2021 Massachusetts Democratic Platform


Every four years, the Massachusetts Democratic Party convenes its delegates to adopt a new Party Platform. This Platform articulates values, beliefs, and aspirations for a stronger, more inclusive, more equitable, and more progressive Massachusetts and America. It is our common cause. The Platform will be adopted at the 2021 Massachusetts Democratic Party Convention on September 25. Lincoln will be sending 6 delegates and 4 alternates to this Convention.

2019 Lincoln Dems at the State Convention

2019 Lincoln Dems at the State Convention

Core Principles of our Party which dictate the platform:

  • Equality: The Core principles upon which the U.S. and Massachusetts were founded.

  • Necessities of life: Government must ensure that every person, without exception, has access to the necessities of life (housing, health care, healthy affordable food, comprehensive education, good jobs with living wage, benefits and ability to form and join unions and access to a clean environment, safe, affordable transportation, clean water. Everyone should have freedom to decide if and when to have a child; everyone should have high-quality childcare. )

  • Protection against discrimination: Government must protect against discrimination and take affirmative steps to address disparities and inequities that have resulted from structural racism.

  • Elections: These rights must be secured through fee and fair elections and our political process must be transparent.

  • Public Health: The Commonwealth must be well prepared and take the necessary steps to protect the public health especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Systematic Racism must be addressed: In the wake of George Floyd, our nation’s reckoning with systemic racism has intensified and must be addressed.

  • Climate Change: The time to act to mitigate is more urgent now and we must act with boldness and urgency.

  • Activism: We must foster Democratic grassroots activism.

    (The full version is in the platform itself)

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