Lincoln Democratic Town Committee Announces Change of Officials

Lincoln Democratic Town Committee hosts town wide meeting with Rep. Gentile

The Lincoln Democratic Town Committee (LDTC) welcomes Travis Roland as new co-chair of our committee.  He will join Joan Kimball who will continue as co-Chair.  The LDTC is a town committee and a grassroots organization composed of Lincoln Democrats that support Democratic values of inclusion, fairness, opportunity and justice for all.

Travis Roland works for IBM, has been a resident of Lincoln since 2014 and member of the LDTC since 2018.  Travis served with distinction with the US Navy Intelligence and has extensive experience on Capitol Hill.  In addition to serving as a docent at the American Heritage Museum in Hudson, Travis is active in many Lincoln activities connected with youth and sports.  His two children are in the Lincoln Schools.  

Joan Kimball, a Lincoln resident since 1974, has been a member of the LDTC since 2013.  Joan’s professional experience included serving as Director of one of the four Divisions at MA Fish and Game.  Joan was president of the Lincoln League of Women Voters in the 1970s, served as Chair of the 1977 Lincoln Land Use Conference and was on the Conservation Commission (early 90s).  Currently, Joan serves on the Racial Justice Journey at the First Parish, Lincoln.

After more than seven years as co-chair of the LDTC, Barbara Slayter, formerly a professor at Clark University, longtime Democrat and Lincoln resident, stepped down from that position March 1, 2023.  Barbara has extensive experience with third world development issues, particularly community participation, resources and gender-based rights and responsibilities.   Barbara also serves on the Lincoln Scholarship Committee and on the Racial Justice Journey at the First Parish.  The LDTC is delighted that she will continue as a member of the LDTC and its Executive Committee.
The Democratic and Republican Town Committees have existed in Lincoln since the early-mid 1900s.   Currently the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee consists of 35 members and an unlimited number of associate members. 

For more information about the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee visit our FAQ page.

To see how you can become an Associate Member, visit our Membership page.


Lincoln Precinct 2’s State Representative Alice Peisch Meets with Constituents


Rep. Carmine Gentile, at LDTC Forum