Expanding Our House Slate


Incumbents & Challengers

Force Multiplier now supports a slate of 10 House incumbents. Based on redistricting decisions, primary outcomes and competitiveness, we have added 6 challengers to our slate.

FM will continue to refine our House (and Senate) slates to maximize our impact in the current election cycle.

Our House Incumbents

Incumbents: many are running in new or re-shaped districts requiring intensive voter outreach. Most are facing well-funded opposition from Republicans seeking to gain control of the House; most opponents are supported by an extremely motivated MAGA base.

Our House Challengers

Challengers: most have emerged from primary campaigns and are just ramping up general election campaigns requiring the equivalent of “early money” resources to build organizations and name recognition, make media buys and stand out from well-known, well-funded, entrenched opponents.

Donate To The Force Multiplier House Slate


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